12 String Guitar Albums

12 string acoustic guitar singer songwriting and instrumental audio albums.

All my latest singer songwriter tunes, instrumentals and live recordings with lyrics, MP3’s and digital outlets. When I release a new song it will pop up on this page along with being on the audio tracks and music videos pages. Click on the song name to be taken to the full audio tracks where I sometimes introduce the song with a short read about what it’s about and include the original lyrics, artworks and music videos. You can also read my musician bio to learn how I write lyrics, record the 12 string guitar and make my music videos. Enjoy.

Seeing Sound

12 String Guitarist Singer Songwriting Album

Hope is Grey 9 Songs 50 Minutes

12 String Acoustic Guitar Songwriting Album

12 String Drift 10 Songs 42 Minutes

12 String Guitar Singer Songwriter Album

12 String Surfer 10 Songs 51 Minutes

12 String Acoustic Guitar Instrumental Album

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